From the beginning the trip and had a special tone Claudio Sanhueza concern for our lodging. We was calling to coordinate the arrival and then we went on a mini tour of Temuco. Completely pinned arrived early without sleep much but with all the desire to know people in the area. After that, a delicious lunch at the home of Camilo Riquelme DTC. Concersamos car again: P and we showed many of his wonderful works (the beginning of the video appear). Arriving time we went all to the first Board in Temuco.
People began to arrive before the scheduled time and quickly we set up our booth to start taking pictures of this video.
From time to time I get much public along with those returning from the caravan to support the municipality.
Result, many amazing photos and contacts for future visits, apart from all the friends finally knew in person. A memorable afternoon by people who made this trip something more than special.
Thanks to Claudio and his family for their hospitality, also Camilo who reason this incredible journey with his family and their motivation and love for cars: D
Next video, summary Interlomas! : D
Filming and Editing: Oscar Carrasco
Canon T2i
Music: Kid Cudi - Maniac
Passion for life ...